Reliable Dental Restoration Services in Surrey
We cover all aspects of dental restorations, from fillings and crowns to bridges and root canals. Trust the 21st Century Dental Centre team to help you keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy.
Tooth decay should never be ignored. If tooth decay is caught early, your dentist is often able to provide dental restoration services to repair the damage. Delaying treatment could lead to extensive tooth decay. If it’s too late to save the tooth, you may require a tooth extraction.
That’s why it’s so important to come to the 21st Century Dental Centre in Surrey for regular dental visits – it allows us to examine your teeth, and catch and treat any decay while it’s still in the early stages.
If you do have any decay, we’ll recommend treatment based on how severely your teeth have been damaged.
Here are some of the options we provide:

Root Canals
Call or email 21st Century Dental today to learn more about our dental restoration services.
FAQs — Click Question to Reveal Answer
Q: I Often Hear My Son Grinding His Teeth While He Sleeps. Does He Need a Bite Appliance?A: Bite appliances are not usually suggested for children with baby, or mixed dentitions, as they can restrict the growth of their jaw and the normal loss of their teeth.
Q: Should My Daughter Come to the 21st Century Dental for Her First Dental Visit Before Her First Birthday?A: We usually recommend a child come into the 21st Century Dental for their first visit when they are old enough to sit in the chair and open their mouth without too much fuss — and that’s usually around their second birthday. If you’re not sure if your child should come in for a visit, just call or email our Surrey team.
Q: I’m Scared Whenever I Go to the Dentist, and I Always Have Been. How Do I Prevent My Children from Being Afraid, Too?A: It’s very important that you try not to pass your fear of the dentist along to your children. Maintain light, relaxed conversations about dental visits. Keep all comments breezy and positive, and show your children that going to the dentist is a fun experience.
Q: My Nine-month-old Baby Has Five Teeth. Do I Need to Brush Them?A: You should begin brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they have them. Contrary to popular belief, even babies can get cavities — it’s often referred to as “baby bottle rot.” Sugars from milk and juice settle on their teeth and can begin to cause decay. Since babies tend to suck on bottles slowly, we recommend that parents encourage their baby or toddler to finish a drink within 20 minutes. Then the parents should wipe their baby’s teeth and gums to clean them, using a soft infant toothbrush or a wet washcloth. Do not put your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or juice.